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Fund Raiser Event

February 5th 2016

Cardio vascular disease is the second highest killer in non-communicable disease in Nepal. Thus, Jayanti Memorial Trust (JMT) a non-profit organization which has been working tirelessly towards combating all forms of this disease in Nepal. Therefore with the rise in the number of victims JMT in order to embrace more cardiac patients, we hold a fund raiser event every year. The funds collected from this event are directed towards helping these financially marginalized Nepali cardiac patients.

The massive earthquake and blockade has left our country and citizens shaken to the roots but not broken in spirit. It could not have stopped or swayed JMT from saving hearts. Thus, keeping things low JMT in collaboration with Zonta Club of Kathmandu launched a coat pin on 5th February, 2016 at Hotel Annapurna with the hope that people will wear with pride in support of the fight against cardiovascular disease in Nepal. The pins are attractive and their color, vibrancy and uniqueness make both a fashion and social statement.

The event was highlighted with the presence of Ms. Nepal 2015 Ms. Evana Manadhar who launched our pins and urged the youth to embrace healthy lifestyle, while Prof. Dr. Bhagawan Koirala gave a short and sweet tip on "Heart Health". JMT Vice Chairperson Mrs. Shreejana Rana, publicly shed light on the aim on objective of the event, whereas Mrs. Pramila Rijal- President of Zonta Club of Kathmandu informed all the purpose of JMT-ZONTA partnership. The event concluded with Dr. Rita extending the Vote of Thanks to all present. Although the event was a humble one but marked it with the presence of curious and willing ambassadors to our causes, the likes of School/College Principals, Head Girls/Boys, Media Partners, Army wives, woman active in the social service field and corporates etc. 

Over all the event was very well received and this would not have been possible without the continued support from Hotel Annapurna and their marketing staffs. We sincerely thank Zonta Club, Kathmandu for being such a wonderful partner to work with.



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